Custom Made Dolls One of Beatriz's specialties is to make dolls based
on a picture of a person that is provided to her.
This way you can have a custom made Beatriz Smith doll that
can be given to both children and adults.
The options for custom made dolls are
Skin dolls and Millet baby dolls.
Imagine giving a Delcorazón doll
that looks like some one that you love.
imagine being given a Waldorf doll that looks like you!

Delcorazón builds three basic Doll types:

Skin Doll
The “skin” is made from a smooth cotton knit, and inside the doll is filled with wool batting.
Plastic dolls stay cold. But when a child plays with
one of my dolls the wool absorbs the child’s warmth
and becomes warm – that’s the beauty of it.